Sponsorship opportunities are now open for IEEE Innovation Nation!

When you create a plan for your money, you’re giving your money a purpose

Establish your brand as a global leader by partnering with the largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology.

Why you should partner with us!​

We provide you the unique opportunity to identify and recognize budding entrepreneurs of the respective countries and gain worldwide visibility at the same time.
You can promote your brand and raise awareness around your innovation and products within this global platform.
We give you the opportunity to champion and support our collective mission to foster entrepreneurship in low-GDP countries.
Endless advantages in partnering with a truly multicultural and multidisciplinary audience as IEEE’s mission is “Advancing Technology for Humanity”.
You get the opportunity to create a unique, compelling, and iconic image of their brand in the minds of the program participants.
You will not only receive visibility among the youth of the countries it is hosted in but also among the global network of 17,000+ members of the IEEE Entrepreneurship community.


Take the leap. Contact us ​

David Goldstein

IEEE Lead Director

Email : d.goldstein@ieee.org

Mithushan Jalangan

IEEE Innovation Nation Leadership Team

Email : mithushan@ieee.org

Your Company Name
The URL of the Company
The full name of the point-of-contact for this request
The email of the main point-of-contact for this request
The country where the main point-of-contact of this request based